Instructions to Authors
- These regulations provide instructions for contributions to the quarterly journal (the Journal) published by the Japanese Society of Farm Work Research (JSFWR).
- The first and corresponding authors must be members of the Society. Co-authors who are not members may also contribute to the journals, however at least half of the authors must be members of the Society.
- The following category of articles may be published in the Journal. The first author is requested to specify the type of his/her article when the article is to be submitted.
- Original Papers: with prominent originality, providing findings on creative, scientific, and technical advances in farm work research. The articles are to involve appropriate theory and testing methods. They should be well arranged and complete.
- Research Papers: reporting and providing future creative, scientific, and technical advances in farm work research that have not been printed in other journals. They should be well arranged.
- Editorials: outlining concerns and explanations of topics in fields of farm work research.
- Theses: summaries of past research and prospects of future development in the field of farm work research.
- Expositions: give comprehensive analysis and explanation of themes.
- Materials: deal with materials and information related to experiments, investigation and circumstances in the field of farm work research.
- Lectures: are special organized articles on materials, information, and research related topics for deepening the reader's understanding by invited authors.
- Reviews, Appraisals: introduce critiques and reviews on domestic and international books and materials.
- Foreign Affairs: outlining international farm work research efforts.
- Opinions: opinions and information from members.
- Original Papers and Research Papers must be written in either Japanese or English. All other articles must be written in Japanese. The format of writing must be based on these regulations in either case. Japanese and English articles should be kept within 6 printed pages including the title, associations and diagrams etc. Although up to 2 extra pages may be added, any associated fees related to excess pages will be borne by the author.
- Original Papers and Research Papers written in Japanese should include a summary in English (within 250 words), while papers and reports written in English should include a summary in Japanese (within 600 characters).
- Original Papers and Research Papers should include up to 10 keywords in both Japanese and English after the summary.
- Original Papers and Research Papers should be written as complete reports. Reports written as a series with titles such as Part 1, Part 2 should be avoided. If reports must be written as a series, the first report should outline the structure of the entire report. The reason for writing a report series as well as the structure of the series must be made clear to our editorial staff when submitting the article.
Series submitted as complete reports must be written in a clear and concise manner.
- The publishing fees for Original Papers and Research Papers are 20,000 yen for each Japanese article, and 30,000 yen for each English article. The publishing fees for other articles will be determined by the editorial staff. Extra pages will be charged to the author at 10,000 per printed page. Up to 30 copies of print supplements are included in the publishing fee. An extra fee will apply if more than 30 copies are required. Color printing and other extra expenses will also be borne by the author.
- Editorial staff determines whether material is suitable for publishing. Requests for corrections and revisions of articles are occasionally made to the author. The publishing order and format will be determined by the editorial staff.
- Submissions must include 3 copies (photocopies are acceptable) of the article. English articles will be sent to an editing company before submission. If the article has been edited, materials stating this fact will also be required for submission. Authors of articles that have been accepted for publishing will be notified. The author will then need to submit the completed article and a copy (photocopy is acceptable), together with a 3.5" floppy disk or CD-R with a label indicating the author's name, file name, and file format.
- Articles should be sent with an invoice including the following details, and a stamped postal card (complete with your address) for notification of receipt. The invoice should include: 1) Title 2) Author's name and associations (underline the names of members of the Society if there are multiple authors) 3) Type of article 4) Number of pages in the article, number of photos and diagrams 5) Number of supplements required (including the 30 free copies supplied in the publishing fee) 6) Contact details of the corresponding author (postcode, address, name, telephone and FAX numbers, e-mail address). Association should be listed as those at the time of submission.
- A list will be created and sent to the editing office indicating how the author has resolved any areas that readers and editorial staff deemed required attention.
- Articles that breach publishing regulations and written guidelines will not be accepted. Ensure that the most recent regulations and guidelines are reviewed before submitting articles.
- Corrections made by the author can be made to the draft only. Changes must not be made to the original article when corrections are made.
- The copyright of all articles published in the Journal become the property of the Society.